Education Hour – Jesus and The Enneagram: An Invitation to Explore with Ahshua Bolton

First Christian Church 1106 State St., Bowling Green, KY, United States

Used in self-care and self-knowledge, interpersonal relationships, pastoral care, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, prisons, churches, and many more areas of life, The Enneagram constantly facilitates depth, understanding, and love for our […]

Event Series Exercise


Mondays & Thursdays at 11am via Zoom A participant led group to improve balance, mobility and strength.  Initially led by Health Department staff who are no longer available, the self-directed  […]

Event Series Exercise


Mondays & Thursdays at 11am via Zoom A participant led group to improve balance, mobility and strength.  Initially led by Health Department staff who are no longer available, the self-directed  […]

Event Series Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry

First Christian Church 1106 State St., Bowling Green, KY, United States

EfM is a seminary level education for church members. It is a 4-year study, one year at a time.  First year students study the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. Second year students study […]

Education Hour – Jesus and The Enneagram: An Invitation to Explore with Ahshua Bolton

First Christian Church 1106 State St., Bowling Green, KY, United States

Used in self-care and self-knowledge, interpersonal relationships, pastoral care, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, prisons, churches, and many more areas of life, The Enneagram constantly facilitates depth, understanding, and love for our […]

Event Series Exercise


Mondays & Thursdays at 11am via Zoom A participant led group to improve balance, mobility and strength.  Initially led by Health Department staff who are no longer available, the self-directed  […]

Event Series Exercise


Mondays & Thursdays at 11am via Zoom A participant led group to improve balance, mobility and strength.  Initially led by Health Department staff who are no longer available, the self-directed  […]

Event Series Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry

First Christian Church 1106 State St., Bowling Green, KY, United States

EfM is a seminary level education for church members. It is a 4-year study, one year at a time.  First year students study the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. Second year students study […]

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