Week of Events
Mondays & Thursdays at 11am via Zoom A participant led group to improve balance, mobility and strength. Initially led by Health Department staff who are no longer available, the self-directed group has a warm up, gentle exercises and cool down routine. You will need weights of your choice (water bottles or soup cans work too!) […]
Circle of Prayer Men’s Group
Circle of Prayer Men’s Group
Topics for the men’s group include checking on each other, major events, review of the week and ending with prayer. Led by Mike Holian Time: 9am on Tuesdays at FCC in the youth room
FCC Chancel Choir rehearsal
FCC Chancel Choir rehearsal
FCC Chancel Choir rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15pm. Come make a joyful noise!
Mondays & Thursdays at 11am via Zoom A participant led group to improve balance, mobility and strength. Initially led by Health Department staff who are no longer available, the self-directed group has a warm up, gentle exercises and cool down routine. You will need weights of your choice (water bottles or soup cans work too!) […]
Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry
EfM is a seminary level education for church members. It is a 4-year study, one year at a time. First year students study the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. Second year students study the New Testament; Third year, Church history; Fourth year, Christian theology and ethic. Thank you First Christian Church who has partnered for 12 years with […]
Education Hour – Jesus and The Enneagram: An Invitation to Explore with Ahshua Bolton
Education Hour – Jesus and The Enneagram: An Invitation to Explore with Ahshua Bolton
Used in self-care and self-knowledge, interpersonal relationships, pastoral care, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, prisons, churches, and many more areas of life, The Enneagram constantly facilitates depth, understanding, and love for our neighbor. Ahshua writes, “The primary intention of Enneagram studies is to become more self-aware, self-knowledgeable, and self-compassionate. Starting with oneself facilitates the next step of […]