
Seeking Full Time Associate Minister For Children & Youth 

Feb 3, 2025 

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Bowling Green, KY is a thriving Open & Affirming congregation seeking a partner in ministry who will share our energy, vision and values. A progressive congregation with vibrant worship, we are looking to take our next faithful step by adding a second service, continuing our free community grocery store and focusing on programming for children & youth. Our church emphasizes inclusivity and welcome by sponsoring our community’s annual LGBTQ+ Pride festival, hosting and funding the only LGBTQ+ youth group in our county, and by bringing people together across lines of difference, whether that be economic status, religion, or race. Our mission is to be an inclusive faith community built on the love of Christ and we hope to widen our welcome with our next Associate Minister. 


As a central part of our mission to be inclusive and welcoming, FCC seeks an Associate Minister of Children & Youth. The position will be a full time salaried position with benefits. Application period closes on March 14th. 


  • The candidate will be an ordained minister who maintains standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We will also consider applicants who are ordained in other traditions provided the candidate’s values and theology aligns with ours, specifically our inclusive faith with emphasis on love of God and neighbor, no exceptions. 
  • The candidate will hold a Master of Divinity from an ATS accredited seminary.
  • The Associate will have a workspace in the office in the church and will hold regular office hours, which will be negotiated based on evening hours spent on assigned ministry. 

Job Duties

  • Build relationships with the children & youth who participate in the ministries of FCC.
  • Much of Children’s Ministry at FCC is directed & executed by volunteers. The minister overseeing this area will need to be a good administrator to coordinate/communicate calendars & resources and a visionary who will be a source of enthusiasm, ideas, & encouragement for volunteers. The following are active, lay-led children’s ministries: 
  • Children’s Worship & Wonder
  • Lunch Bunch- A monthly gathering for Christian formation and fellowship for 3rd-5th graders. 
  • Special events including the Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, & Vacation Bible School.
  • Participate/lead/facilitate weekly Youth Ministry meetings that will provide an open and accepting atmosphere of learning and growth for junior and senior high students.
  • Recruit leaders and support for youth programming.
  • Recruit & lead youth mission trips.
  • Recruit children & youth for summer camp programs and participate in camp as a counselor or leader.
  • Provide leadership in the congregation’s ministry with, and to, young adults and families.
  • Provide leadership to the college ministry which meets weekly during the academic calendar on Wednesday evenings.
  • Provide leadership in worship on a regular basis which includes, planning, preaching, presiding at the table, prayers, working alongside lay leaders, etc.

Apply by sending a cover letter & resume to:  meganhuston@firstchristianbg.org

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