Community Grocery Store
In 2021, our food bank format evolved into the free Community Grocery Store, thanks to generous donations, big vision and dedicated volunteers. You’re invited to come shop once a month for items YOU want and need, including shelf stable items, hygiene and household products, and fresh and frozen food.

How to Help
The food bank accepts donations of shelf stable items and hygiene/household products. If you are donating frozen or refrigerated items, please call ahead to ensure we have room to accept your donation. Please make sure your donations aren’t past expiration date. We are also ALWAYS in need of bags. Finally, you can give a monetary donation through the Giving link at the top of the website.
If you would like to volunteer with the food bank, please contact us below!
Warren County residents can come “shop” once a month at the food bank. Please bring a form of identification.
Mondays: 10am – 12noon
Wednesdays: 4:30-6:30pm
Thursdays: 1-3pm
Hours remain the same each week unless it’s a holiday or we close due to inclement weather (according to the city schools)